Are you thinking about completing your Bachelor’s Degree? You’re not alone. Every year, about 8.2 million students over the age of 25 return to college. There are many reasons to complete a Bachelor’s Degree, especially later in life when you’ve had more time to think about your career path.
Here are the top reasons to consider completing your Bachelor’s Degree in 2016:
1) Your Career Path Requires a Bachelor’s Degree. Now that you’ve settled on your chosen career path, or even if you’re still narrowing your options, you’ve probably found that the career you’ve chosen requires you to have a degree. The truth is that many career paths – including some of the best paying – require a Bachelor’s Degree, and there’s no getting around it.
2) People with Bachelors’ Degrees Earn More. In a study from 2011, researchers found that, on average, those with Bachelors’ Degrees earn $2.8 million in their lifetimes – that’s 84% more than that earned by those with only a high school degree. Higher learning degrees are one investment that can pay off big.
3) You’ll Live Longer. College graduates typically make more money than non-graduates, which can have more than just financial benefits. Those with higher educations and earning power are also healthier. On average, men with Bachelors’ Degrees live about nine years longer than those without. Women live about eight years longer.
4) Flexible and Affordable Programs. Getting a Bachelor’s Degree doesn’t have to mean giving up your day job. At Antioch University Midwest, we have flexible and affordable programs built specifically for adults over the age of 25 who are looking to complete their education and pursue new careers. That means we have a great mix of online, evening, and weekend classes and programs to choose from.
5) You’ll Gain a Competitive Edge. In today’s job market, employers aren’t just looking for potential candidates – they’re looking for perfect candidates. It’s not uncommon for employers to receive hundreds of applications for a single position. One way to rise to the top of the pile is to have the competitive degrees, certifications, and licenses required by the position to help you stand out.
6) Transferring Credits is Easier Than You Think. Many adults hesitate to go back to school because they aren’t sure if their prior college classes or real-life experiences will count toward their degree requirements. At universities like Antioch University Midwest, your past work, academic, and life experience matter. Many universities like ours accept transcripted military training and experience, ACE and CLEP test credits, and credit any hours you’ve earned toward an RN license regardless of the date the credits were earned. We also have articulation agreements with Sinclair Community College and Clark State Community College.
7) Gain Confidence in Yourself and Your Future. At the end of the day, investing in your education is about investing in the future you want to build. When you finish what you started and complete your Bachelor’s Degree, you’ll gain fresh confidence in yourself, your work, and your future.
Learn more about Bachelor’s Completion Programs.
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